The Torture of Silence (1917)

Stars: Emmy Lynn, Firmin Gémier and Armand Tallier
Director: Abel Gance
Runtime: 54 Minutes
Language: English subtitles - music score
Color:  Black and White
Format:  DVD-R
Rating: NR
Price: $16.95

The Torture of Silence
(a.k.a. Mater dolorosa)

Directed and Written by Abel Gance

Emmy Lynn  ... Martha Courand
Firmin Gémier  ... Dr. Edward Courand
Armand Tallier  ... Claude Gallatin
Anthony Gildès  ... Jean
Paul Vermoyal
Gaston Modot
Antonin Carène

Abel Gance’s intense melodrama about the despair born of silence and secrets.

Feeling neglected by her husband, the busy Dr. Edward Courand, Martha Courand sends a heart-felt and pleading love letter to their friend Claude Gallatin. A letter that will set off unforseen tragedies and prompt a lifetime of torturous secrets.

54  Minutes - Music arranged by Lou McMahon
